Customizing Title on Picking Screen
We want to display a customized title on the picking screen. For instance, the customer's name, external reference, or any custom field from our environment. To achieve this, it's as simple as subscribing to the event before painting the title and setting the value of our custom field.
The specific event to which we should subscribe is:
To add custom filters:
- Subscribe to the event OnAfterSetTitlePageOnSetPickings_awa of the page "IDPAWA Readings Barcode pick".
- The picking type will be gblOpType::"Sales Picking"
For example, the following method would subscribe to the specified event:
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Page, Page::"IDPAWA Readings Barcode pick", 'OnAfterSetTitlePageOnSetPickings_awa', '', true, true)]
local procedure OnAfterSetTitlePageOnSetPickings_awa(var gblTitlePage: Text; WarehouseActivityLine: Record "Warehouse Activity Line"; RecWAL: Record "Warehouse Activity Line"; gblOpType: Enum "IDPAWA Operation Types")
if (gblOpType = gblOpType::"Sales Picking") then
gblTitlePage := 'CUSTOMIZED TITLE';