This document will give you a general overview of the objects deployed by iDynamics Commissions so that you can extend the app.
If you have any questions regarding how to customize the app that is not answered in this manual, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us through our support portal.
Setup Tables
- IDPCOS Commission Setup. General configuration options for the app.
- IDPCOS Salesp. Commiss. Group. Salesperson commission groups. Used to group salespeople when assigning commission rates, setting sales targets, etc. It will be stored in both the commission entries and its detailed entries.
- Customer Commission Group. Customer commission groups. Used to group customers when assigning commission rates, setting sales targets, etc. It will be stored in both the commission entries and its detailed entries.
- IDPCOS Item Commission Group. Item commission groups. Can be assigned to items, G/L accounts and resources. Used to group items when assigning commission rates, setting sales targets, etc. It will only be stored in the detailed commission entries.
- IDPCOS Salesp. Posting Group. Salesperson posting groups. One must be assigned to any salesperson whose commissions will be settled using invoice documents.
- IDPCOS Email Setup. Email setup. Stores the default values for every report that can be sent by email, such as the subject or the default email body.
Sales Team Tables
- IDPCOS Sales Team. Sales teams.
- IDPCOS Sales Team Member. Sales team members. A salesperson can be assigned multiple times to a team, with different roles, and can be a member of multiple teams.
- IDPCOS Sales Team Role. Team roles that can be assigned to members of any team.
Additional Salespeople Tables
- IDPCOS Additional Salesperson. Salespeople associated with another, either directly, or through a customer or ship-to address. This table defines the additional salespeople that will be assigned to a sales document when the main salesperson is selected.
- IDPCOS Sales Addit. Salesp. Additional salespeople in sales headers/lines. They can be automatically assigned from the values set up in the previous table or added manually to the sales document.
- IDPCOS Invoice Addit. Salesp. Additional salespeople in posted sales invoices. When a sales invoice is posted, the additional salespeople from the previous table are copied to this one. Only the sales % field can be edited, to update the sales statistics for the document.
- IDPCOS Cr. Memo Addit. Salesp. Additional salespeople in posted sales credit memos. Just like the previous table, but for sales credit memos.
Direct Commission Rates
- IDPCOS Direct Commission Rate. Direct commission rates. Define the rules that will decide the commissions generated when a sales document is posted.
Commission Periods and Sales Targets
- IDPCOS Sales Target Code. Sales target codes that can be used across periods. Example: Furniture.
- IDPCOS Period. A period of time for which sales targets will be defined and commissions given based on them. Example: 1Q2023.
- IDPCOS Period Target. A sales target assigned to a specific period. Example: Furniture sales in 1Q2023.
- IDPCOS Period Target Line. A specific target range within a sales target. Example: a 20% sales margin gives a 5% commission, but a 50% margin gives a 10% commission.
- IDPCOS Period Target Stats. The sales statistics for a particular sales target. When the app calculates sales target commission, a record will be generated for each salesperson that has sales that match the specified targets, with total sales and units, as well as with the average sales margin. Example: it will contain a record for each salesperson that sold Furniture in 1Q2023 with the total sales amount for each one.
- IDPCOS Period Tgt. Stats Line. Associated with the previous table, it contains a detail of all sales lines that were taken into account to get the amounts and quantities in each IDPCOS Period Target Stats record.
Sales Statistics Tables
- IDPCOS Sales Stats. Sales statistics. Every time a sales invoice or credit memo is posted, a record is created with the total amounts (excluding payment discounts and other excluded amounts), regardless of whether it generated any commissions. No salesperson is assigned to this record.
- IDPCOS Detailed Sales Stats. Detailed sales statistics. For each record of the previous table, it contains a detailed record for each sales line/salesperson assigned to the source document, splitting the amount between multiple salespeople if needed. Detailed stats will only be created for salespeople who got part of the sales amount (no records will be created for any additional salespeople that do not have a sales % assigned).
Both tables include the sales amount and margin amount, as well as the due date and payment date.
Commission Entries
- IDPCOS Commission Entry. Commission Entries.
- A record of type Invoice/Cr.Memo will be created in this table every time a sales document is posted and a direct commission rate generates a commission for a salesperson.
- A record of the type Commission Period will be created when a commission period or its sales targets are posted, for each salesperson that achieved their sales targets and got commissions from them.
- Manual commission entries can be created manually or using the Import Journal.
- IDPCOS Detailed Commiss. Entry. Detailed Commission Entries
- When a sales invoice or credit memo is posted, one record of type Initial Entry will be created for each sales line/salesperson that generated commissions.
- Detailed commission entries of type Initial Entry will also be generated when a commission period/sales target is posted, with the achieved commission amounts.
- When a manual commission is created, a detailed commission entry of type Initial Entry is automatically created with the specified amount.
- Adjustment detailed commission entries can be created manually or using the Adjustment Journal.
- Records will also be generated in this table when commissions are settled, or when penalties are generated.
- IDPCOS Commission Comment Line. Comment lines for both commission entries and detailed commission entries. If field Dtld. Commission Entry No. contains a 0 the comment is for the commission entry, and if it has a value the comment is for the detailed entry no. specified.
Commission Journals
- IDPCOS Commiss. Jnl. Template. Commission journal templates. Once installed, the app will create two templates:
- ADJUSTMENT. For the adjustment journal.
- IMPORT. For the import journal.
- IDPCOS Commiss. Journal Batch. Journal batches. The app will create one by default for each template, but more can be created as needed.
- IDPCOS Commiss. Journal Line. Journal lines. Just like in the rest of Business Central journals.
Settlement Tables
- IDPCOS Commiss. Settle. Header. Settlement header. Used to settle commissions instead of purchase invoices.
- IDPCOS Commiss. Settle. Line. Settlement lines. Each line is linked to a commission entry. Its amount can be lowered to create a partial settlement.
- IDPCOS Post Commiss Settle Hdr. Posted settlement headers. A posted settlement document will be created when:
- A settlement header is posted. All its values will be copied to the posted record and the source document will be deleted.
- A purchase or credit memo that contains commissions is posted. One document will be created for each salesperson, and the posted purchase document nº will be assigned to the posted settlement header.
- IDPCOS Post Commiss Settle Lin. Posted settlement lines. A detail of all commissions/amounts posted in the source settlement or purchase document.
Commission Penalty Tables
- IDPCOS Delayed Payment Penalty. Define penalty rules for invoices that have not been paid in due time.
- IDPCOS Commiss. Penalty Error. Error log for the penalty generation process. If a commission entry is found for which a penalty should be created, but it's not possible to do so (e.g. because it's currently being settled), a record will be created in this table.
Temporary Tables
The following tables are a temporal copy of their equivalent (non-temporary) tables, used when calculating commissions and sales stats. This table exists so that, for example, all of these processes are identical regardless of the source document (invoice, credit memo...)
- IDPCOS Commiss. Sales Header. Contains the data from the source document (sales header, sales invoice header, sales cr. memo header) for which commissions or sales stats are going to be generated.
- IDPCOS Commiss. Sales Line. Contains the data from the source document line for which commissions or sales stats are going to be generated.
- IDPCOS Commiss. Additional. Contains a copy of all the additional salespeople that are assigned to the document for which we are calculating commissions or sales stats.
Extended Tables
Salesperson/Purchaser, Customer, Vendor, Item GL Account and Resource now include new fields in order to assign them to commission groups. The Salesperson/Purchaser table has some extra additional configuration fields, as described in the main help.
Tables Sales Cr.Memo Header, Sales Header and Sales Invoice Header now include a computed field that shows whether additional salespeople have been assigned to each document. In addition, the lines for each of these documents now include fields to assign the particular salesperson or commission that applies to them.
Purchase Header, Purch. Cr. Memo Header, and Purch. Inv. Header also include an extra field that gives you information on whether the document has been used to settle commissions. Lines for those documents also include a new field that links to the No of the settled commission entry.
In all cases, fields added by the app can be easily found, as their names all start with IDPCOS.
Customization Events
The app includes many events destined to make it easy to customize to the needs of each customer. In the next sections of the manual, you will find detailed information on the events needed to customize the main features of the app, but this will not be a complete list.
Remember that you can use the event recorder in Business Central to get a list of all the events available in each process and that you can contact us through our support portal if you have any questions on how to develop any customization.