What's new - iDynamics Commissions
Version 5.9
- You can now assign salespeople and define splits for project planning lines.
- New option to assign a specific commission % to a project.
- The description and posting date of posted settlement documents can now be updated.
- New option to specify the desired posting date of settlement documents when they are generated.
Published: June 28th, 2024
Version 5.8
- New option to define advanced filters for rates and targets (e.g., specify that a rate should apply to all chairs except one).
- New options to edit the salespeople assigned to posted documents.
- Set a commission scaling for sales targets, based on the margin achieved.
- New options when generating commissions for a sales target (hold commission %, don't generate negative commissions).
- Restored option to generate commissions for all sales targets in a period.
- Lock the salespeople assigned to a project/job.
Published: April 3rd, 2024
Version 5.7
- Assign salespeople, teams and additional salespeople to projects/jobs.
- New reports to preview commissions for sales documents that have not yet been posted.
- You can now add a description to commission rates.
- The posting date of settlement documents can be manually specified.
- New permission sets that allow more granular access to the application.
- Lots of minor bugfixes and improvements.
Published: January 30th, 2024
Version 5.6
- Set sales targets for managers/roles, so that they get commissions based on the performance of the salespeople in their charge.
- Pay commissions when partial payments are received.
- New process to update commissions based on adjusted costs.
- Split commissions by sales team.
- New sales target stats detailed report grouped by invoice.
- Commission rates can now also be defined for item charges.
Published: November 22nd, 2023
Version 5.5
- Give commission advances/draws directly from a sales document, based on the commissions expected for the document.
- Link commission advances/draws to the posting or payment of a sales document.
- Define specific commission rates for sales below cost (e.g., so that the negative margin is deducted from the commissions).
- New action to specify that the selected commission entries should not wait for the customer to pay the source invoice.
- New Detailed Commissions by Salesperson report. Useful if you want to view/share the commissions by sales line instead of by document.
- Added option to regenerate delayed customer payment penalties, when you run the Generate Penalties... action.
Published: June 30th, 2023
Version 5.4
- Salesperson rules now let you add additional salespeople to documents. This can be used to pay royalties for certain items or to give additional commissions based on different rules.
- You can now set direct commission rates and sales targets based on sales territories.
- Improved commission per unit rates and targets based on units sold. You can now define a commission unit of measure for each item that will be used in these cases.
- Two new wizards were added to help new customers set up direct commission rates and sales targets.
- The design of settlement documents is now available in Word so that it can be easily customized.
- Milestones can now be used when you set a common target for everyone, by specifying a reference target amount.
- Sales target commissions can now be deleted (and regenerated) if they have not yet been settled.
- New customization events for salesperson rules.
Published: May 1st, 2023
Version 5.3
- Define salesperson rules: use this new feature to assign salespeople to a document (or its lines) based on the item sold or the sales territory assigned to the customer or ship-to address.
- New journal to import sales stats if there are sales generated outside BC that should be taken into account for sales targets.
- New option to specify targets and rates for a specific sales team.
- Action bars updated to the new design introduced in Business Central 2022 Wave 2.
- Added the option to add attachments to salespeople, sales teams, and settlement documents.
- New assisted setup guide for new users, when the app is installed from App Source.
- New option to take into account invoices posted and collected, when defining sales targets.
- Changed: milestones cannot be defined for specific sales targets (all targets in a period will share the same milestones). After a lot of consideration and feedback since the last release, we feel that this is much more user-friendly, and will make it easier to improve the reports and actions that are currently available on the period card.
- For Spanish customers: DIN A4 layouts are now the default when you install the Spanish localization.
- Lots of minor fixes and improvements.
- Now also available in French. Oh là là!
Published: March 20th, 2023
Version 5.2
- New and improved ways to define sales targets:
- Set a different sales target amount for each salesperson included in the target.
- Define milestones and which % of sales should be achieved in each one.
- Pay commissions at any point in time of the period, be it a milestone or a specific date.
- New and improved reports, customizable using Word.
- Extensible: the new targets have been designed so that it's easy to customize them by adding extra filters or conditions to them.
- Commission advances/draws. Advance commission amounts to your salespeople and track their return.
- Sales & commission factboxes. Configure the current commission period and get factboxes for items, customers, salespeople, teams and commission groups showing current sales for the period, commissions and extra stats.
- New calculation criteria for commission rates: now you can define that the app should apply the lowest commission rate.
- New filters for commission penalties, so that you can define different penalties based on the salesperson or customer to which the invoice belonged.
- Improvements to the Commissions by Vendor report, including the option to email in bulk.
- You can now set a global commission % to a specific sales document manually, instead of line by line.
- Sales lines can have a manual-specific commission amount (not just a manual %) assigned to them.
Published: January 3rd, 2023
Version 5.1
- New options for additional salespeople in a sales document:
- Split the commission from the main salesperson
- Set a specific commission for the document/line.
- Apply the default commission rate.
- Set specific rates for additional salespeople.
- New Word commission reports (by salesperson and by vendor), designed to be extended/customized by customers.
- New and improved sales statistics, including payment info and details on who took part in each sale and how the amounts were split between them.
- Define commission penalties for unpaid invoices.
- Lock the salespeople assigned to a sales document so that they won't be updated by mistake.
- New Commissions menu added to the Business Manager and Sales & Mkt. Manager role centers. Use the new menu to easily access all of the features offered by iDynamics Commissions.
- Customize the commission base % for each sales document. This lets you specify that a salesperson should only get commissions on a % of the invoice total amount, for example.
- New commission factboxes in posted sales documents let you view at a glance all the commissions generated by the document and its lines.
- Improved commission preview factbox: now updates in real-time and shows commissions for new lines.
- Improved descriptions and visible fields in the commission entries list.
- New invoice factbox in the commission entries list showing payment info regarding the source invoice.
- Improved detailed entries. This is mostly a technical upgrade for future improvements, but if you had any customizations/reports based on this table, please check this document.
- Add comments to both commission entries and detailed commission entries.
- Commission groups added to both the item and customer templates.
- Lots of minor improvements to the user interface and performance.
Published: June 30th, 2022
Version 5.0
- Sales Teams - define teams and roles within a team.
- New commission adjustment journal.
- New commission import journal.
- New option to manually create commission entries.
- Commission factbox for sales lines: preview commissions and check the margin and effective discount that will be used when calculating commissions.
- New guided tours added for most pages.
- All commission reports are now available from the list of commission entries.
- When using purchase documents to settle commissions, only an invoice or credit memo will be generated for each vendor, even if there are both positive and negative commissions.
- Fixed: commission reports will show amounts on the date that the document was posted, regardless of any commission reassignments.
- Lots of improvements to available actions, and visible fields, on all pages of the app.
Published: March 09, 2022
Version 4.6
- New options to mass-update the salesperson assigned to active sales documents.
- New option to replace a salesperson.
- List of salespeople assigned to each customer ship-to address.
- You can now modify the code of item, customer, and salespeople commission groups.
- Fixed: disabled and external BC users were consuming iDynamics Commission licenses.
Published: January 14, 2022
Version 4.5
- New option to configure salespeople assigned to ship-to addresses.
- Set additional salespeople for customers, both for the customer and/or its ship-to addresses
- It is now possible to post several settlement documents at once.
- Fixed: error when updating salesperson commission groups using the Reassign Sales Documents... feature.
Published: November 12, 2021
Version 4.4
- Define sales targets based on the profit margin % achieved by each salesperson.
- In-app tours for direct commission rates and sales targets.
Published: September 15, 2021
Version 4.3
- Use of enhanced email capabilities if the feature is active.
Published: April 1, 2021
Version 4.2
- New simplified UI to set up direct commission rates.
- Set direct commission rates for resources and GL/Accounts.
- Set direct commission rates based on dimension values.
- Set sales targets based on dimension values.
- Reassign generated commission amounts to a different salesperson.
- New action available to update commission groups in active sales documents.
- Developers: the "Direct Commission Rate" table has now been designed to be extensible.
- Lots of small improvements.
Published: December 21, 2020
Version 4.1
- Mass email individual reports (monthly commissions, settlements...) to your salespeople.
- Set commissions and sales targets based on sales margins.
- Added print layouts for settlement documents, so that they can be printed, emailed, or saved as PDF.
- New Commission Entries report.
- Ignore selected sales lines (e.g. shipping costs) from sales statistics.
- New option to reassign sales documents in bulk.
- Manually create detailed commission entries.
- Lots of small improvements.
Published: June 22, 2020
Version 4.0
- Compatible with Microsoft Dynamics Business Central 2020 (wave 1).
- Contains all improvements included in v3.2.
Published: April 1, 2020
Version 3.2
- Set sales targets for a period and configure commissions for them.
- New reports for sales targets and commission periods.
- New Basic permission set. Salesperson users with this role will be able to run commission reports (filtered by their salesperson code).
- You can now use both purchase and settlement documents to partially settle commission entries.
- New options to cancel and put on hold commission entries.
- The commission amounts in detailed commission entries can be now manually adjusted.
- New option to generate direct commissions for sales documents posted before the app was installed.
- Preview commission entries before posting a sales document.
- Small fixes and improvements.
Published: March 16, 2020
Version 3.1
- New commission settlement document.
- Split commissions with other salespeople, both for a whole document or specific sales lines.
- New sales, commission, forecast, and settlement reports.
- Manually set commissions for each sales line.
- Reassign individual sales lines to a salesperson different from the one assigned to the sales document.
- Manually set commissions for resource and G/L account sales lines.
- New Stats Group entity, used to filter reports and statistics.
- Commission entries inherit dimensions from the original sales document/lines.
- Support for sales documents in currencies different from the local one.
- Settle commissions for multiple salespeople through a single vendor.
- New customization events.
- Lots of small fixes and improvements.
Published: November 12, 2019
Version 3.0
- Upgraded to Business Central 15 (2019 wave 2).
Published: October 1, 2019
Version 2.3
- UX improvements.
- Small fixes and improvements.
Published: March 28, 2019
Version 2.2
- App updated/redeveloped as a Business Central v2 extension.
- Lots of small fixes and improvements.
Published: January 16, 2019